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Specialist Community Mental Health Nursing Services

Aside having experienced trained mental nurses who can undertake and conduct a mini mental state examination (MMSE) and report back to the case managers, our nurses can also: 


  1. Administrating Depot Injections as well as Oral Medications in the community including inhalants, eye drops, oral and topical medications.

  2. Providing staff to TopEnd Mental services to help with depot administration in the depot clinic.

  3. Provision of experienced nursing and clinical staff on a 24hrs
    basis for client’s home visit and health assessment.

  4. Assessing the Clients ’mental status and reporting back to the Case workers.

  5. Writing and updating the Clients’ medical records.

  6. Picking up and delivering Medications for the Clients.

  7. Ensuring that the Clients’ medications are not in short supply.

  8. Ensuring that every Client has a valid prescription prior to Depot administration.

  9. Reminding Clients of when their Depot is due.

  10. Providing education to the participants on how to access mental health and wellness services in the community.

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